For many of us, retirement is something that stays in the back of our head and we tell ourselves, “I’ll deal with that later”. The problem is that too many of us wait too long to start planning ahead. Life can change at any moment, so it’s important to have a plan in place.

1. The Longer You Live, The More Money You’ll Need

Life expectancy in the United States has climbed to an average of 80 years old, and many will live longer than that. If you are grouped in with those who will live beyond 80, you’ll need a much larger retirement fund. A good retirement fund can give you the freedom to do or go anywhere, but if you haven’t planned accordingly, stress can begin. Eliminate the worry of not having sufficient funds, and plan ahead of time.
Retirement can be exciting for a lot of people. You have worked all of your life, you had careers and families which made it hard to experience everything you wanted. Retirement gives you the time to travel, spend time with loved ones and enjoy yourself. In order to cross things off of your bucket list, you’ll need a large retirement plan that can support a comfortable life for years to come.


2. You Can’t Rely Solely on Social Security or Pension

When you retire, Medicare and benefit checks are given to help supplement your retirement funds. In order to live comfortably, you will need a retirement fund to support you the most. Medicare and benefit checks are a comfortable bonus, but they can be taken away at any time.
As we grow older, there are some unexpected bumps in the road we can’t always plan for. Long-term care such as nursing homes or in-home care could be needed one day, so you’re going to need sufficient funds to support yourself. These types of cares may not be covered by Medicare, so you’ll need the funds in case you’ll need it.


3. Give Your Family Peace-of-Mind That You’re Secure

There are plenty of things you plan to spend money on once you retire, and one of those things can be your family. You may be a grandparent, and if you don’t live close by you’ll want to have the money to travel and see your family frequently. You’ll also want to spoil your grandkids with gifts, and if you’ve saved up enough, you may even be able to take your whole family on a vacation. You want to be able to support your family, not have your family have to support you. Without the right savings, you may run into trouble and need to rely on your children or siblings. If you have saved properly over the years you should be able to leave a sufficient amount of funds to your family after you pass.

Retirement planning can be a scary thing to think about, but it doesn’t have to be with Alexander Financial. We specialize in helping clients prepare for their retirement, so they can live comfortably and enjoy it. Schedule an appointment to talk with us today about retirement planning in Greenville, NC.